As softball season is fast approaching, we have two classes coming up that will allow players to refine their abilities before the season begins. Be sure to register for these classes before their deadline in early February.
You can register using the links below.
Fundamentals: CLICK HERE to VIEW MORE
Pitching Clinic: CLICK HERE to VIEW MORE

Volunteer Opportunities to Help Support the Park District
Get Involved Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are essential to the success of many of our programs, special events and our beautiful parks.
The volunteer program enables the Park District to offer a high level of quality programming while minimizing staff costs.
Registration is CLOSED for the Daddy/Daughter dance!

Indoor Garage Sale
March 1, 2025 / 9:00am - 2:00pm Register by February 14, 2025 If you have items that you would like to sell, but are limited on space, this is the answer. Sellers must stay the entire time of the sale, and are responsible for their own table, set up, cash box, tear down, and CLEAN UP including taking home empty boxes. Sellers will be permitted to set up at 7:30am and must be ready by 9:00am; late vendors will forfeit their space andfee. All “treasures” must be on the designated table...

Register by Februry 21, 2025, held Saturday March 15th 3-5pm. Location: Idle Hours Lane. If you would like to register for this event or have any questions give us a call at (815)786-8044.
Mother & Son Bowling
We are happy to announce that Mother & Son Bowling is returning to Sandwich! Mothers grab your special little guys and bring them out for an afternoon of bowling and fun at the bowling alley. Fees are per people.
Two games of bowling, shoes, ball, pizza, soda, prizes, music and fun all included!

Did you Know?

We have a Little Free Library at the shelter in Knights Park. Feel free to take a book, return the book, or donate a book. There are books for all ages, and all genres.
Special thank you to Girl Scout Troop 607 for creating this awesome community function.


Hello Friends,
Winter is officially here whether we like it or not. Even though the weather outside can be brutal, we still have some fun things instore for you! Throughout this guide you will find programs that fit your needs whether you would like to be outside or inside this season. Even as the snow flies, the parks in your neighborhood will still be open. For those of you that like to walk and keep active all year round, Harvey Creek and Milestone Park have walking trails that make a fun and relaxing winter walk. Don’t forget to visit the Ice Rink located at Knights Park. We are happy to once again partner with the City of Sandwich to bring back the Ice Rink to our community. The rink is located at Knight Park and is open to the public when weather permits.

For more information give us a call at 815-786-8044

Get Involved Volunteer Opportunities
Spring Egg Hunt
Daddy Daughter Dance
Mother Son Bowling
Email interest to:
Adopt a Park
“Adopting a Park”?
Please contact us at
815-786-8044 for more details!
Board Commissioner Opportunity
Sandwich Park District
1001 Latham Street , Sandwich, IL 60548
815.786.8044 office 815.786.6690 Fax
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