Foundation Mission and Vision

Dear Friend,

The Sandwich Park Foundation is once again hosting its annual Gala and awards night on TO BE DETERMINED Last year’s Gala was a great success and we were able to raise over $4,000 to go towards our new Dog Park! We would like to thank you for being a part of such an amazing event and we would love to have you attend this year’s Gala.

The Sandwich Park Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that helps support the endeavors of the Sandwich Park District. The Sandwich Park Foundation was formed to assist the Sandwich Park District in funding projects and programs that the Sandwich Park District cannot financially accomplish through its taxing dollars. Funds from this event will help to continue to support our Dog Park project as well as fund our program scholarships. These scholarships are awarded to those in financial need that wish to participate in Sandwich Park District programs but might not be financially able to. Together the Sandwich Park Foundation and the Sandwich Park District gives the Sandwich community more opportunities to enjoy Parks and Recreation, which in turn help promote new skills, wellness, social interaction and conservation.

Our goal this year is to raise money for the Sandwich Park Foundation to continue to assist the Sandwich Park District in its vision for better recreational programs and facilities. This event is the main funding source for the Sandwich Park Foundation. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Sandwich Park Foundation. With this letter, you will find a contribution form that you may return to us with your donation or you may make a donation and purchase tickets for this event online at:

Thank you for your consideration of support. If you would like to speak with someone immediately, please contact the Sandwich Park District at (815) 786-8044.


Bill Novicki, CPRP
Interim Executive Director
Sandwich Park District

Sandwich Park Foundation Board Members

Bill Clemons-President

Steve Wolf-Vice-President

Shaun Legge-Treasurer

Angela Seville-Secretary



Dan Hoyt

Diane Scents

Roberta Troeger

Clinton Harris

Todd Latham

Mike Jump

Please help support the Sandwich Foundation:

Platinum Level: $400 and up donation – Sponsor will have name/logo appear on event slide show, event program and signage on display at event, social media postings, all publicity releases and advertisements, name announced at event, and two event ticket included.

Gold Level: $250-$399 donation – Sponsor will have name/logo appear on event slide show, event program, and signage on display at event.

Silver Level: $100-$249 donation – Sponsor will have name/logo appear on event slide show, and event program.

Bronze Level: $50-$99 – Sponsor will have name on event slide show.

Silent Auction Item: We are also in need of silent auction items; if you or your business would be interested in donating an item we would greatly appreciate it.

Donations below the sponsor levels are always accepted and appreciated!

What is the Sandwich Park Foundation?


For More Information or If You Would Like to Support the Park Foundation …

Give Us a Call at 815-786-8044



The Sandwich Park Foundation is a local, independent 501 (c)(3) nonprofit foundation authorized to accept tax deductible gifts.

All donations to the Sandwich Park Foundation, including property, cash or park-related items, are tax deductible.

All donations to the Sandwich Park Foundation, including property, cash or park-related items, are tax deductible.

Memorial Tree Donations

Trees are planted in Spring and Fall  according to grower recommendations for the particular species.

Trees will be closely monitored and professionally maintained by Park District staff.

All tree donations will receive a name tag on our donation plaque located in the David A. Francis Center lobby.

Exact locations in each park will be left to the discretion of the Parks Department.

Tree Types:

Sugar Maple

-Height: 50-70 Feet

-Spread: 30-45 Feet

-Growth Rate: Moderate

Autumn Blaze Maple

-Height: 40-60 Feet

-Spread: 40-60 Feet

-Growth Rate: Rapid

 Red Oak

-Height: 50-60 Feet

-Spread: 50-60 Feet

-Growth Rate: Rapid


-Height: 50-70 Feet

-Spread: 40-50 Feet

-Growth Rate: Rapid

Silver Maple

-Height: 50-70 Feet

-Spread: 30-45 Feet

-Growth Rate: Moderate

Red Maple

-Height: 50-70 Feet

-Spread: 30-45 Feet

-Growth Rate: Moderate

Swamp White Oak

-Height: 50-70 Feet

-Spread: 30-45 Feet

-Growth Rate: Moderate


Burning Bush

-Height: 50-70 Feet

-Spread: 30-45 Feet

-Growth Rate: Moderate

Lilac Bush

-Height: 50-70 Feet

-Spread: 30-45 Feet

-Growth Rate: Moderate


-Height: 50-70 Feet

-Spread: 30-45 Feet

-Growth Rate: Moderate





Sandwich Park District 

1001 Latham Street , Sandwich, IL 60548

815.786.8044 office  815.786.6690 Fax

Contact us 

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