Splash Pad at Milestone Park

Located at 1250 N. Fairwind Blvd. across from Fairwind Subdivision

Splash Pad is OPEN!

Operates Memorial Day to Labor Day (weather permitting)

Watch here for any closure Information or visit our facebook page.

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splash park little girl with head in bucketThe Splash Park was built in 2013 and 2014 and opened in June of 2014. There are 13 different spray features throughout 1,800 square feet of a wetted concrete surface. There are two shade structures for your comfort away from the sun, picnic tables, and port-o-let.

The entrance for the Splash Park is at 1250 N. Fairwind Blvd. across from Fairwind Subdivision.

Rules are posted by the entrance of the splash area. No street shoes will be allowed on the wet area. Only your bare feet or water shoes are allowed. No exceptions! Please, no bikes, roller-blades or skateboards allowed in the Splash Park. Also, please keep your dogs away from the area.

The water is recirculated and chemically treated, so its important to keep the park clean. There is NO SMOKING allowed anywhere in the park. Thank you for understanding.

Due to some recent concerns it needs to be explained that the policy regarding organized groups of 11 or more is stating that, they must apply for a permit and receive permission to use the Splash Pad. At this time, the park district is not issuing permits to organized groups, therefore they are not allowed to use the splash pad. The volume of participants and the bather load is a concern. Also, the park district is honoring the residents and tax payers to allow for controlled use and safety. This issue regarding organized groups will be discussed by the Board of Commissioners to possibly allow large groups to use the facility during the week, for a short period of time.

We will keep the residents informed as to the decision and it will be posted on this website and at the Splash Park.


Sandwich Park District 

1001 Latham Street , Sandwich, IL 60548

815.786.8044 office  815.786.6690 Fax

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