
Sandwich Park District Vacancy on Board of Directors

The Sandwich Park District announces a vacancy on the board for the office of commissioner. The vacant seat is due to expire in 2023 at which time the person appointed to the position will be required to run for election. Those interested in filling the position must be a Park District resident for at least one year and should submit a resume to the Sandwich Park District office, 1001 N. Latham St. Sandwich, IL 60548 with attention to the Executive Director.

The Sandwich Park District would like to announce that petitions are available for Sandwich residents on September 20, 2022 for those who are interested in running for election to the Board of Commissioners in April, 2023.  The park district is seeking candidates for positions on the ballot for its seven-member Board.

Sandwich Park District Board Members, called Commissioners, are elected in the Spring elections alternately every two years. These are unpaid volunteer positions. The purpose of the Park Board is to develop official policies of the Park District and to oversee all activities carried out by its Executive Director and other staff. One stipulation on Board membership is that any candidate must be a registered voter living within the Sandwich Park District limits for at least one year.

Any community member who might be interested in running to fill an open spot is encouraged to contact Bill Novicki, Executive Director at 815-786-8044 ext. 226 bill.novicki.spd@gmail.com or any current Board member listed on our website at sandwichparkdistrict.org

The Park Board meets at 6:30 PM on the second Wednesday of each month, and any interested parties are encouraged to attend a meeting to see what business is conducted. Please call the office or check the website to confirm meeting dates and times.


Statement of Candidacy 

Petition of Nomination 

Loyalty Oath



Sandwich Park District 

1001 Latham Street , Sandwich, IL 60548

815.786.8044 office  815.786.6690 Fax

Contact us 

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