Milestone Park

Milestone Park is one of the larger parks in the Sandwich Park District system. This twenty acre park at 1375 North Castle Street is situated in the northwest section of the City of Sandwich has recreational opportunities for all ages. The first ten acres of this park were purchased in 1972 with funds received from a HUD grant.

This park is host to five softball diamonds and one diamond for tee ball play. Dugouts were added in 1996 to provide shade for players. 

A four-court tennis court was built in 1978 in memory of Verna Graf, past president of the Sandwich Park District Board. These courts were recently renovated in 2017 with a asphalt overlay, color and lines. Court one and two are lined for Tennis and Pickelball.

In 1997, the concession stand was built to provide refreshments during softball and tee-ball games. In 2006 the concession stand was added on to provide storage for equipment. A new playground and swings have been installed in 2017. The adaptive swings are donated by Boy Scout Troop 45 and O’Ryan Lawlor secured the donations from various organizations, completing this as his Eagle Scout project in 2017.

The new skate park was constructed in 2013 in the north section of Milestone Park. The cement structure was designed by Spohn Ranch and is open to the public.  The park allows skateboarders and BMX bikers of all ages to practice and improve their skills.  Watch our Program Guide for clinics and activities at the Skate Park.

In 2014 a splash pad was added to the west of the girls softball fields on a 5.5-acre parcel donated to the Sandwich Park District.  Entrance to the splash pad is located on N. Fairwind Boulevard.  This water park features in-ground shooting sprays, dumping buckets and spraying “corn cobs”.  The park will operate from Memorial Day to Labor Day each year, as weather permits. 

The skate park and splash pad were built in conjunction with a matching grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources at a cost of $1.5 million.


Sandwich Park District 

1001 Latham Street , Sandwich, IL 60548

815.786.8044 office  815.786.6690 Fax

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