Archery is an ancient skill that builds confidence while teaching discipline and precision. 09/14-10-05 Register by 08-31-20
Youth and adults will learn range safety, archery equipment terminology, eye dominance, shooting stance and much more! Our Genesis compound bows are easy to use and fun to shoot.
Four (4) one-hour sessions will include practice with standard block targets, aerial archery, and 3-D animal targets. Participants should wear tennis shoes, comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle.
Due to Covid-19, instructors and participants will be wearing a mask. Instructors suggest participants wear long sleeve shirts to protect the shooting arm. Sometimes the bow string can catch the inner elbow or arm. Parents may bring a lawn chair and watch behind the shooting lines or sign-up and learn with your child.
All registration is done at the Sandwich Park District.
Classes are located at the Sandwich Sportsman’s Club, 1011 Hartman Trail, 1/4 mile west of the Sandwich Fairgrounds.
*Covid-19 safety guideline will be practiced and enforced for the everyone’s safety and wellbeing.
*Rain Date: October 12, 2020
Location: Sandwich Sportsman Club, Sandwich, IL
Instructor: Amy Hamilton MIN/MAX: 3/8
Age Day Time Date Register By R/NR Fee Code #
Family M 04:00-05:00P 09/14-10-05 08/31 $28/28 132202-1
Contact Us at 815-786-8044 to Register
During normal business hours:
Monday thru Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm