Discover all the Field Museum has to offer with this fun filled trip. Let us do the driving to downtown Chicago while you enjoy exploring the famous Field Museum. The Field Museum fuels a journey of discovery across time to enable solutions for a brighter future rich in nature and culture. With many exhibits ranging from Ancient Egypt, Birds, Nature, The Evolving Planet, China, Restoring Earth, Dinosaurs including the world-famous SUE, and much more. Registration covers transportation and general admission. Lunch, extra exhibits, and movies are at your expense. While on this trip you can explore the museum at your own pace or join our provided instructor to guide you around the museum.
Instructor: Bill Novicki
Location: David A. Francis Center / Museum of Science
of Industry.
Date Time Day R/NR Age Reg. By
1/14 8am-5pm S $60/60 All 1/6