The Sandwich Park District will be hosting a fall softball league for 10U, 12U and 14U divisions that will strictly focus on development of players. This league will play on four Sundays in September and
October and offer each team the opportunity to play in six games at Milestone Park in Sandwich. Games will have a 1.5 hour limit imposed and should be viewed as an opportunity for your girls to play different positions, work with coaches on game situations and, most importantly learn and play under the rules of the divisions (new rules for girls moving up a division). Overview of divisions (and rules changes from lower division) are as follows:

10U: • Focus on skill development • Games will last 6 innings or 1.5 hour time limit.

12U: • Develop pitchers from 40’ distance using 12” ball (especially important for girls moving up from 10U) • Learn proper base running techniques and fundamental development. Games will last either 7 innings or 1.5 hours (whichever comes first) and will have a 5 run per inning maximum. Teach girls new to the age division infield fly and dropped third strike rule • No standings or scores will be reported.

14U: Develop pitchers from 43’ distance using 12” ball. Teach girls new to the age division infield fly and drop third strike rule. Games will last either 7 innings or 1.5 hours (whichever comes first) and will have a 5 run per inning max).

For out of Town Teams: The cost for this program is $200 per team.

This includes one umpire per game, insurance and field maintenance. (Teams are not required to have their own insurance). Uniforms are up to the individual teams. Each division will be limited to 6-8 teams so be sure to sign up ASAP. Also, you want to sign up for the division you will be playing for next season, not the current one. Out of town rosters are due to the Sandwich Park District by August 24th. Expect to play 6-8 games depending on number of teams registered. If girls do not have a team to play on the Sandwich Park District will be accepting registration for all girls who want to sign up.

Any questions, call Sandwich Park District at 815-786-8044 or Jerry Dudzik at 815-405-1618 or jdudzik@ dekcohousing.com

Out of Town Teams: The cost for this program is $200.00 per team. DEADLINE TO REGISTER – AUGUST 10th.

Time: 12 noon game time

Fee: $25/$40 includes individual Sandwich jersey

Place: Milestone Park, 1375 N. Castle St.

No games on September 6th.

For additional information please contact Sandwich Park District at 815-786-8044

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