Register by: 02-24-23 Here is an opportunity for girls ages 8 to 14 years old to improve their pitching skills. This pitching camp will teach both beginners and experienced players the proper fundamentals of pitching. The skills being taught will include the proper way to grip the ball, stance on the mound, pitching delivery, when to release the pitch, and how to consistently find the strike zone. For more experienced pitchers, the instructor will enhance their current abilities, teach new pitches, and take their abilities to the next level. Participants should wear gym shoes and bring their own gloves. Don’t wait until the spring to improve your game, get ahead of the competition now.
Instructor: Mary Anderson
Location: Sandwich Middle School
Date Time Day R/NR Age Reg. By
3/5-3/26 1pm-2pm Su $35/45 8-14 2/24